Mike's Poem to Mum

Created by Mike one year ago
I didn’t know my Mum that well !
Her favourite colour, or actor or smell
No sharing of dreams or tales of woe
Don’t think they were for me to know
We didn’t take time to gaze at Stars
Or contemplate life on Mars
She wasn’t much for walking the dog
Or sifting through ponds to find that frog
I knew little about the Jobs she’d had
The detail reserved for talks with Dad
Or the time she left and went away
To hospital for quite a stay
I do know she was a busy bee
Everything she did, for Family
Working, cooking, shopping for food
Cleaning, ironing, taking care of her brood
I do know she could sing in tune
She had quite a voice, it would make me swoon
She sounded how an angel might
In my mind at least, such a delight
But playing the piano was her gift
Just about any song she could lift
Music sheets not required
She just listened, then played as we admired
I do know that we tested her mettle
With many an argument or fight she’d settle
Her goal was always to raise us right
To instill morality with all her might
Plenty of “mind your manners” or “get down from there”
Or a clip round the earhole if we dared to swear
And the bigger we got, the harder she’d be
Swapping hands for boots but not aimed at me !
With Dad working nights and asleep till midday
We’d better behave or there’d be hell to pay
I do know there’s lots I’ll never get
The jigsaw broke as the Sun set
But she was my Mum, and I loved her so
She’s playing a tune, up there, I know.